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What’s The Census?

So, it’s 2020 and you’ve been told that you have to participate in the Census, but what does that even mean?

Every ten years, the United States takes a count of everyone living in the country. It doesn’t matter what their citizenship is, or class, or living situation. We count up how many individuals are in our communities to determine how much money will be dispersed for government agencies, how many delegates will represent a state, and it even impacts the placements of our public transport system, creation of new hospitals, and so much more.

In March 2020 the Census will begin. You’ll receive an envelope in the mail and have just over a month to complete your household’s information, this can be done over the phone or online – both options have multiple languages available. By mid-May 2020, if you have not completed your Census information, a Census counter will come to your door and complete the form with you.

Things to know:

  • The Census questionnaire is composed of 9 questions. These include:
    • How many individuals are living and/or staying in your household on April 1, 2020
    • How the home is paid for (mortgage, rent, etc)
    • Your contact number for official Census Bureau business
    • Your name
    • Your gender
    • Your age
    • If you are of Hispanic origin
    • Your race
  • Information provided on the Census is embargoed for 75 years
  • There is NO question of citizenship
  • If there are multiple people in your household you will also provide their names, genders, ages, and races
    • The Census questions are based on household units, not familial relations. If there are individuals living and/or staying in your home on April 1, 2020 that you are not related to they need to be included in your Census questionnaire answers
  • Your household can only complete the Census once
MeckCounts 2020 Logo, Census

You can learn more about Mecklenburg County’s local Census initiative, as well as any other Census questions, on the MeckCounts2020 site.