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Defining Racial Justice Terms: Xenophobia

YWCA Central Carolinas has proudly done Racial Justice & Advocacy work in the Charlotte community for 119 years and counting. With our programs, events, and advocacy there’s a lot of terminology thrown around and we want to make sure that all YWCA supporters know what they mean.

Today’s term is xenophobia, which is the fear or dislike of other races, cultures, ways of life and people not similar to one’s own. Xenophobia is similar to racism, but it is not the same. Racism is more than the fear of the other, it’s a system of oppression based on the belief that one race is superior to the other (source: BBC Idea)

Watch Historian Erika Lee explore the deep roots of xenophobia in America, why it’s such a big problem and what we can do about it today.

You can further your knowledge on this subject, especially on the rise of xenophobia during the COVID-19 pandemic, by reading or listening to The Atlantic’s A History of Pandemic Xenophobia and Racism.