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Latasha’s Story: Putting one foot in front of the other

In May 2022, Latasha, a strong mother of five, had run out of options. After her relationship with the father of her five children ended, she was in need of a path forward. She had been living in a housing program with her family, but due to the breakup, she and her children, aged 4 through 21, had to move out. With nowhere else to go, she moved her family into her mother’s living room. She knew she needed to find a path forward, but didn’t know where to start.

After doing some research, Latasha learned about YWCA’s Families Together program. Through this program, YWCA provides safe, affordable housing and intensive support services for families with minor children facing homelessness. Immediately, Latasha knew it was a fit. She had her social worker write her a referral, and soon, she and her children were approved. Finally, there was a glimmer of light on their path forward.

When Latasha and her four youngest children moved into one of YWCA’s Families Together townhomes, she was overcome with gratitude. “I was grateful that we didn’t just have a place to stay, but we had our own kitchen. I had my own bedroom. And YWCA provided everything we needed: bedding, washcloths, towels and more,” shared Latasha. Although it had been a difficult period of transition, “It felt like a step in the right direction — a stepping stone,” shared Latasha.

Now with a safe roof over their heads, Latasha and her family had the time and energy to set and work
towards goals with the help of YWCA’s Families Together staff. Latasha wanted to achieve financial
stability. She needed to save money, provide support and a stable home for her children. And most importantly, she needed to secure permanent housing — a safe place for her and her young children to grow together as a family.

The journey to financial stability and permanent housing is not an easy one, but with the support of the Families Together program, Latasha kept putting one foot in front of the other by budgeting, taking classes, and navigating affordable housing waitlists. While seeing the finish line was difficult at first, she gained hope and knowledge by celebrating other families in the Families Together program who had graduated into permanent housing. It opened her mind to what was possible for her and her family, even though she had a long road ahead of her to achieving her goals.

After nearly 18 months of hard work and perseverance, Latasha and her children got to experience that same excitement they witnessed in their Families Together neighbors. They were approved for Section 8 housing, thanks to YWCA’s partnership with Inlivian, and moved out of Families Together this past January — graduating from the program into permanent housing. “This part felt really far away when I first started the program,” shared Latasha, but thanks to the one on-one support she received in the program, “I knew it was reachable.”

Now, a few months later, Latasha and her children have settled into their new home. Her children were able to stay in the same school district, able to avoid the uprooting that happens when young students transfer schools. And as Latasha reflects on her journey, she’s looking forward to the future, too. Today, Latasha is working towards bigger goals — like improving her financial stability and her career. She wants to eventually become a social worker or work in the human services field, and to be able to give back and support others who have walked her same path. She was even able to take classes in human services and case management while in YWCA’s program.

The future is bright for Latasha and her children, and YWCA is so proud to have played a role in their story. Thank you to YWCA’s generous donors who support our transitional housing programs. Latasha’s story is possible because of you.